Amanda B.

I have trained with Kami for a little over a year. When I first met her she made me feel completely at ease with her warm, welcoming, personality. Kami really took the time to get to know me and my personal goals. She is very knowledgeable about nutrition and exercise. This shows through the time and effort she puts into making individualized plans that meet the various needs and lifestyles of her clients.

Working out with Kami is always challenging! She pushes her clients to not only meet their goals, but to try new things. She is always right there next to you, supporting you, and reassuring you that you can do it. Kami keeps her client’s goals in mind during each session, ensuring that you are making strides to meet those goals. Each session is different and keeps you on your toes. I always leave the workout feeling great and would highly recommend working with Kami!