
In March, a heavy prayer was answered in hopes of developing a healthy lifestyle. I was not content with the many cycles of highs and lows I had put myself through for so many years, both physically and mentally. My husband knew my struggle and we agreed that it would be a healthy choice to pursue some guidance and accountability. We prayed that this opportunity would turn my passion of fitness and nutrition into more normalcy, eliminating the extreme cycles. When I met with Kami, I found myself immediately at ease. She was welcoming, non-judgmental, and most of all, a genuine person. She knew little about my past, but was open to start me out with a new and strong future!

Right off the bat, we set a strong goal of a bikini competition. This gave me a little extra something to look forward to in the many months ahead. As time progressed, I found myself more and more happy with my body image. I began believing in myself. The ability to live a healthy lifestyle and succeed, long term, became real and achievable! The bikini competition, then, became a bonus!

Creating a lifestyle of a healthy mind and body took many adjustments, a lot of dedication, and a high level of self-discipline. However, I questioned none of these within myself through Kami’s support. When I began to feel old habits surface, she was available to pull me through and push me further. Her approachable personality allowed me to strive to my fullest and want nothing more than to turn my last breakdown into my first and most successful – breakTHROUGH.